Writer Michelle R Davis contacted me to find out how wikis can be used for professional development.  Here are some of my thoughts from the article printed September 12, 2007.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2007

Instructional-technology coach Kristin Hokanson is hooked on wikis. Hokanson counts at least 40 wikis, or collaborative Web sites, that she either designed or participates in. She uses them to post PowerPoint presentations, provide how-to videos and tutorials for educators, and share other resources with colleagues.

“I use wikis for just about everything,” says Hokanson, whose 3,500-student Upper Merion Area School District, in Upper Merion, Pa., is pushing teachers and schools to use technology more effectively.

To be sure, wikis have already caught on among some teachers, who have developed creative ways of using them in their classrooms. But recently, an increasing number of administrators have also been turning to wikis to help them do their jobs.


Michelle R Davis, “Wiki Wisdom: Lessons for Educators,” Education Weeks Digital Directions, 9/12/2004, http://www.edweek.org/dd/articles/2007/09/12/02wiki.h01.html